I'm a car guy. I've been a car guy since hi-school. Before I was a car guy, I was a bike guy. I went everywhere on my bike. I rode my bike just to be riding. I didn't really need a specific destination, I just liked the freedom of going wherever, whenever. I still have a bike... somewhere.
Tonight, I almost ran over one of the morons I'm sharing the road with. He was riding in traffic with no lights or reflectors of any kind on a major, unlit street. The outcome of this event was decided by inches. This time in his favor. As I continued home, I thought, could I live with myself if I had run over him and then sued his family to have his remains professionally removed from my undercarriage and any scratches and dings caused by his bike repaired? I think I could!
Let's turn things around for a minute. If we drove our cars, like some of these morons ride their bikes, it would be total chaos. What if we drove on the wrong side of the road, ignored stop signs and traffic lights, drove on the side walk when traffic didn't suit us, passed on the right so we didn't have to slow down for traffic stopped at a light, and didn't
signal before we turned?I just needed to vent a little and I feel better now. I'm glad I didn't run over the guy. Drive safe and watch out for morons.